We teach in a personal training format, with each training session (referred to as a course) lasting approximately 3 to 4 hours. We offer our courses in packages of three, five and ten. We do not have scheduled classes requiring you to be at the range at specific days and times. Rather, we schedule you for training on days and at times convenient to you, seven days a week. Depending on a student’s skill level, we recommend that students space out their courses to 1 to 2 courses per month. Students have a year to complete their package of courses.
We have 5 Levels for each of our platforms (Pistol, Precision Rifle and Tactical Carbine), and it takes 2 courses to pass each level; as each level is broken into 2 parts. We also offer even more advanced training, once students have completed the first 5 levels of each platform.
3-course package: $699 10% HOLIDAY DISCOUNT, NOW $629 (SALE ENDS SOON)
- Completion and passing of each course takes a student through Level 2 Part I of our 5 level (two courses per level) curriculum.
- This package can be used for only one platform — pistol, carbine or precision rifle.
5-course package: $1,029 10% HOLIDAY DISCOUNT, NOW $926 (SALE ENDS SOON)
- Completion and passing of each course takes a student through Level 3 Part I of our 5 level (two courses per level) curriculum.
- This package can be used for only one platform — pistol, carbine or precision rifle.
10-course package: $1,799 15% HOLIDAY DISCOUNT, NOW $1,529 (SALE ENDS SOON)
- Completion and passing of each course takes a student through our entire 5 level (two courses per level) curriculum.
- This is the only package that can be applied towards multiple platforms (Pistol, Tactical Carbine and Precision Rifle) or used by multiple family members.
Rules Regarding Course Purchases:
- Courses are not transferable.
- All purchases are final. No refunds will be provided.
- Scheduling of a course at a particular day and time is not guaranteed.
- VX may cancel and reschedule a course for any reason at any time.
- VX will re-schedule a course cancelled by a student only if the student gave 48 hours written notice (e-mail, text, etc.) that he or she will not attend the course.
- Students are subject to all safety, range and other rules of VX.